The treatment of stomach tumors in foreign medical institutions attracts patients from countries with underdeveloped medical systems. This is due to the availability of innovative diagnostic and surgical equipment, as well as a wide range of drugs for chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

About 85,000 cases of urologic cancers are detected in Germany annually, so doctors have vast experience in treating prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and testicular cancer. Oncourology is one of the priorities of the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).

Symptoms of bowel cancer can be difficult to detect. The symptoms usually begin with abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation. Since the bowel cancer manifests itself with very nonspecific symptoms, it is often diagnosed late, when the tumor has already metastasized. Therefore, the survival rate of patients is low.

Novel methods of COVID-19 prevention and updated therapeutic protocols are constantly being developed, as the death rate from SARS-CoV-2 still reaches 2%.

The intensive working rhythm is an integral part of most people's life. We strive to finish the project on time, manage a complicated task or get a promotion. That is why vacation is the only time when we can pay attention to our health. Of course, the perspective of spending these precious days visiting clinics is very unpleasant.

German hospitals enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide, recently gaining particular popularity among residents of the Persian Gulf countries. Despite comprehensive insurance policy and free medical care, most of Iran's leading medical facilities are located exclusively in the country's capital. In addition, treatment outside the standard protocol will need to be paid in full and at fairly high prices.

According to the WHO statistics, brain cancer counts only for 3% of all cancer cases. Nevertheless, this life-threatening condition requires maximal efforts, great competence, and the collective work of healthcare professionals. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a great variety of treatment options for patients with brain cancer.

Israeli medicine is considered to be one of the best in the world. This country has several large hospitals where not only local citizens, but also many foreign tourists may undergo treatment. They come to Israel in search of more accurate diagnostics, ultramodern treatment, quick and complete rehabilitation. We present to your attention the top 3 best hospitals in this country.