Thyroid cancer is not the most common disease. More than 120,000 cases of thyroid cancer are diagnosed around the world every year, which is 1% of all malignant tumors. Germany is constantly developing and introducing into practice the latest treatment methods to improve the health of patients and defeat the disease at all...

Immunotherapy is considered the fourth most important cancer treatment after surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. This treatment option is used for most cancers. Bladder cancer (BC) is one of the oncological diseases for which immunotherapy is highly effective. It may be used in different variants.

What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm? Is it a dangerous disease? Does it require emergency care or will it be enough to just observe it? Let’s also talk about the abdominal aortic aneurysm definition, its causes, symptoms, diagnostics and treatment. Abdominal aortic aneurysm – is a disease when the diameter of a certain aortic site expands and becomes 2 or more times bigger than the normal width of the aorta.

Breast cancer is the most widespread type of cancer among women. Statistics in this sphere is really frightening. For example, 8 % of women in the USA have a significant risk of developing this disease. Breast cancer can affect men as well, but it is a very rare occurrence. Nevertheless, in case of detection during the early stages, this...

Immunotherapy is the most rapidly developing area of oncology. It is used for most types of cancer. Moreover, some tumors are much more sensitive to immunotherapy than others, and kidney cancer also belongs to this group of tumors. Immunotherapy is very successful for this disease and can be used at almost all stages in order to lower the risk of relapse after surgery and control metastatic tumors.

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women under 45 years old. The most common cause of its development is human papillomavirus (HPV), due to which the tumor can appear at any age. Modern treatment methods allow doctors to control the growth and the development of tumors even at stage 4 of the malignant process, when the tumor is no longer localized.

Melanoma is one of the most aggressive malignant formations. It takes the lives of young people: many patients are in the age category of 30-40 years. Melanoma...

According to the World Health Organization, osteochondroma is an osseous projection covered by a cartilage layer that arises on the external bone surface. Such neoplasms generally arise in the immature skeleton, i.e. in children and young adolescents. Debate still continues as to the benign or potentially malignant (pseudotumoral)...