Mammary gland cancer is one of the most common oncologic diseases in the world. Pathology ranks first among female malignant tumors. The tumor is often found at a woman's reproductive age. Therefore, every woman should know the main symptoms of mammary gland cancer, to detect it on time, consult a doctor and get timely treatment.
Adrenal cancer is a rare but very aggressive tumor. According to clinical statistics, it usually develops in people over 40 years old. More than half of the patients amongst these people are women. Since the adrenal glands are endocrine organs, the tumor is hormonally active in every 2 out of 3 patients. German hospitals use innovative...
MukoCellis the first achievement of the tissue engineering implemented in urology. The tissue of the oral mucosa is cultivated under laboratory conditions and implanted to the patient in order to broaden the lumen of the urethra. When using MukoCell it is no longer necessary to cut large sections of patient's oral ...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease that leads to the development of a generalized inflammatory process in the human body. It is most often manifested by severe pain and swelling in the small joints of the hands, wrists, feet, knees, shoulders, and elbows. If left untreated, RA may cause severe damage...
Heart diseases remain the most common cause of death in the world. Nonetheless, with the rapid development of cardiac surgery, the mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases has fallen significantly over recent years. This particularly applies to the developed countries, such as Germany. German clinics perform...
Colon cancer is one of the five most common malignant tumors in the world, and it ranks third. The average age of most patients is 60-75 years, but the disease can develop in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. Good treatment outcomes, even at stage 4 cancer, can be achieved with the usage of innovative...
Scoliosis is a disease developing mainly during childhood. Scoliosis is characterized with the frontal curvature of the spine and vertebrae rotation (turning). One may ask if scoliosis is a curable condition. Yes, the disease can be cured at stages 1-2 with the help of conservative treatment. The angle of the curvature does not exceed 25°...
Dendritic cell therapy for ulcerative colitis is an advanced approach focused on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. This method is an innovative solution in the world of medicine and opens up new opportunities for those who are looking for effective ways to combat a chronic disease. Unlike standard treatments, dendritic cell...