Neoplasms of the central nervous system are very dangerous and lead to death if they are not treated. Even benign tumors can compress vital brain centers, causing respiratory or circulatory failure. Therefore, if early signs of a brain tumor have appeared, it is necessary to be examined and treated. You can do it in Germany.
Sarcoma is the collective name of malignant neoplasms that develop in soft and hard connective tissues. Such tumors often spread outside the heart, damaging nearby tissues. Metastases appear early, and repeated occurrence of foci is possible even after a surgical operation. The best results in the treatment of sarcoma were...
The expression “German quality” is known worldwide as an indicator of high standards. Everything in this country is done in the best possible way. It's not just about cars or household appliances. People with the most complex diseases, namely, cardiological, oncological, neurological, and other ones are successfully treated here.
Despite all the success of modern oncology, cancer remains the second most frequent cause of death around the world. Tumors are often diagnosed late, which makes treatment more complicated. Another issue is the use of obsolete methods or not the most effective therapeutic approaches in countries with poorly regulated healthcare systems.
Is it possible to cure lung cancer? Those who first hear of the terrible diagnosis ask their doctors this question. Lung cancer is a severe disease. To realize how to cure lung cancer, one has to undergo a thorough examination. Thus, the location and the size of the malformation must be determined, as well as the presence, location, and the number of metastases. Doctors determine the histological type of tumor and take into consideration the overall health condition of the patient.
Autism is a mental disorder that is diagnosed in 2% of children. The etiology of the illness is unknown, as there is no single mechanism responsible for of its occurrence. Autism manifests itself with antisocial behavior, lack of communication skills, a tendency to rituals in behavior and systematization. The autistic child does not come into contact with either adults or peers.
Esophageal surgery is a very complex area of medicine because this organ is located simultaneously in the neck, chest, and abdomen. Most esophageal surgeries are traumatic and unsafe. However, with the help of the surgical system Da Vinci, surgeons can perform surgical interventions of any complexity with a minimally invasive surgical approach instead of large incisions.
Founded over 200 years ago, the University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is one of the best healthcare facilities in Germany. It has all the technical equipment and capabilities of modern medicine. The University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is located in Munich, the capital of Bavaria...