Liver transplantation is a surgical intervention when a patient is transplanted liver fragments from a live or recently deceased donor. The operation is required in cases where other therapeutic measures aimed at restoring the function of one’s liver are ineffective or unpromising. Since transplantation is a complex operation, it is better to conduct it in the hospitals of developed countries, because a qualitatively performed surgery gives a person a better chance of survival.
The number of people with obesity has doubled over the past 30 years. The prevalence of this pathology is continuing to increase. In some countries, such as the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, every third person suffers from obesity. Fortunately, modern medicine has successfully solved this problem.
Melanoma immunotherapy is an innovative method of systemic therapy that complements the conventional protocol at all stages of the disease and can significantly increase treatment success rates. In German hospitals, doctors actively use this type of treatment in the early stages of melanoma to prevent a recurrence, and immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma makes it possible to restrain the progression of the disease and prolong the life of patients with advanced stages of the pathology.
Lymphoma is a group of oncological diseases characterised by a tumour developing from lymphoid tissue. The treatment for the condition presents serious difficulties, since in most cases there is no single localised tumour that can be surgically removed. However, Germany has a well-developed medical institution, therefore...
If seeing is believing, its no wonder that we rely on our eyesight to make sense of the world around us, and accomplish most of our tasks. However, once we experience problems with our eyesight, daily duties and work becomes more challenging. Modern ophthalmology is so well developed that in specialised German hospitals...
Modern advances in vascular surgery constantly offer new possibilities for the effective treatment of varicose veins. New techniques use small punctures and local treatment instead of invasive and traumatic surgical interventions. Nowadays, we have few innovative options in this sphere. The first one is endovenous laser treatment (ELT)...
Malignant melanoma is highly aggressive form of skin cancer. For many patients with malign melanoma in an advanced stage, there was little hope until recently. In recent studies, there have been new and hopeful developments in the medical world. Making breakthroughs for melanoma patients are two newly licensed drugs that show...
Herniated discs in the lumbar spine, spinal injuries, and other conditions may require surgery to stabilize the spinal column. Spine surgery is complex and unsafe for patients. You should take advantage of the services of the best spine surgeons to get reliable results and avoid complications. If you have any spinal injuries, you can have your treatment in Germany.