IHD (ischemic heart disease) is one of the main reasons causing death among people today. The disease is accompanied by a worsening of the blood supply to the heart, which at any time can result in myocardial infarction. Pathology significantly reduces the quality of human life and reduces its duration by tens of years.

A few years ago, patients who lost their vision due to the degeneration of the retina did not have any hope to restore their vision. Luckily, medical science has progressed significantly further and can now offer a real chance to get partial vision for such patients. Argus II retinal prosthesis system was invented in Germany.

Bowel cancer prognosis is different for each patient. But, at the same time, it’s connected with the key factors: stage of disease at the moment of its diagnosis, tumor type and location, presence of the concomitant diseases, methods of treatment. World statistic data are constantly being updated and gives a chance to presuppose how...

Germany has one of the highest level of medical services in Europe and the world. Such acclaim is possible thanks to generous state funding, which allocates more than 300 billion euros into the healthcare system annually. This allows for new methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases to be developed and applied here.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, kidney cancer was ranked 9th among the most common oncological pathologies in the world in 2018. Most tumors develop from the renal tubules, which actively filter up to 2000 liters of blood per day. As a result, kidney cancer is mostly diagnosed at an early stage, before metastasizing.

Surgical reconstruction, or mitral valve replacement, is the second most common surgery on the heart valves. In European countries with developed medicine...

Coronary artery disease (CAD), or coronary heart disease, is an extremely widespread condition in the modern world, when the excessive amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood stream damages coronary vessels and causes hypoxia and death of the heart muscle (myocardium). The problem is that at early stages...

Herniated disc or hernia of the intervertebral disk aggravates a nerve and triggers lower back pain or affects the neck area. Both sensitive and motor spinal nerve roots are compressed and result in impaired movement. Sometimes, the pathology might provoke internal organs, which can result...