Coronary artery disease (CAD), or coronary heart disease, is an extremely widespread condition in the modern world, when the excessive amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood stream damages coronary vessels and causes hypoxia and death of the heart muscle (myocardium). The problem is that at early stages...

Herniated disc or hernia of the intervertebral disk aggravates a nerve and triggers lower back pain or affects the neck area. Both sensitive and motor spinal nerve roots are compressed and result in impaired movement. Sometimes, the pathology might provoke internal organs, which can result...

For a long time, it was believed that varicose veins could only be corrected by removing large superficial veins and ligating the perforating veins. When CHIVA was introduced in 1988, many surgeons met it with hostility. The method was not widely used because it contradicted the basic concepts of varicose vein treatment.

Cancer is one of most common causes of human morbidity in the modern world. According to statistics, malignant formations is the second most common factor contributing to death after cardiovascular diseases. Taking into account deteriorating ecology and increasing amount of carcinogens in the food, incidence of...

The pilonidal sinus can be a reason of abscesses and other complications. The only way to get rid of this pathology radically is the surgical intervention. However, the operation poses certain risks and is associated with need for a postoperative recovery. Therefore, minimally invasive pilonidal sinus treatment methods are used...

Alopecia treatment is one of the most topical branches of aesthetic medicine in the 21st century. Actually, hair transplantation is the only technique that completely solves the problem of hair loss. This kind of treatment was first proposed in the 1950s by Dr. Orentreich. At that time surgeons used transplantation of whole skin flaps up to 5 mm...

Brain tumors are always very complex and serious, as they are located in one of the most important organ of the human body. The extent of danger of these tumors depends on the area of location on the brain. The closer the brain tumor is to the vital centers, the more likely it will be fatal. However, not every brain tumor is...

Syndactyly, or webbed fingers, is the most widespread defect of the child’s hand. It is characterized by the abnormal connection of fingers or toes. Typically syndactyly involves two fingers – the middle and ring, the thumb and pointer. They may be connected only by skin or, in more severe case, have common bones as well.