One of the peculiarities of human immunity is the ability to distinguish healthy cells from malignant ones in order to attack and destroy the latter. In brain tumors, this is especially important because surgeons cannot remove a large amount of brain tissue, and radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often not effective enough.

The expression "German quality" is known worldwide as an indicator of high standards. Everything in this country is done in the best possible way. It's not just about cars or household appliances. People with the most complex diseases, namely, cardiological, oncological, neurological, and other ones are successfully treated here.

Breast cancer is a disease that can lead to fatality. However, it can be fatal only if it has not been treated on time. In recent years, doctors have learned how to manage this pathology. There is a high survival rate of of patients. Many effective methods of breast cancer treatment have been developed over the years: surgeries, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy.

In October 2022, Berlin once again hosted the annual meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), a leading European organization bringing together more than 2,500 specialists in the treatment and research of cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, ovarian cancer, and fallopian tube cancer, and other...

It is no surprise that more and more people are going to Germany for treatment. This country attracts surplus funding in the development and research of medicine. Germany ranks third in the world among the countries with the highest life expectancy and this is a direct merit of the country’s healthcare system. The cost of medical treatment in Germany depends on many factors.

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecologic cancers, it ranks second in incidence among all types of cancer. It is most often diagnosed in women over 45 years old. Screening and increased awareness are crucial in detecting ovarian cancer early before it reaches stage 4, a terminal phase often accompanied by severe pain and limited treatment options.

Visual information undergoes complex processing before it can turn into a clear picture. The optic nerve is largely responsible for this process. Unfortunately, it can atrophy due to various pathological processes. Currently, there are no treatments in medicine that would completely cure degenerative diseases of the optic nerve.

Melanoma immunotherapy is an innovative method of systemic therapy that complements the conventional protocol at all stages of the disease and can significantly increase treatment success rates. In German hospitals, doctors actively use this type of treatment in the early stages of melanoma to prevent a recurrence...