Pain is the most frequent symptom in the world and is observed in thousands of different diseases. Acute pain is unpleasant, and even agonizing. But, chronic pain brings much more trouble. It doesn’t threaten a patient’s life in all cases, but it always reduces its quality. Chronic pain can have different locations and origins.
Abdominoplasty is plastic surgery that pursues an aesthetic purpose. It allows a person to improve their appearance. The surgery restores aesthetic proportions of the abdomen and removes excess skin and subcutaneous fat. When performing this surgery, German surgeons ensure the best possible quality and safety.
The brain is actively growing since the very birth to ensure the acquisition of new skills and mental development. Intensive division of cells of different brain parts in a number of cases leads to the fact that some of them continue to grow and multiply uncontrollably. That’s how tumors that affect the central nervous system appears.
Fully implantable motorized intramedullary nail Fitbone® is an innovative device that restores symmetry and length of the lower extremities via stimulating the growth of the patient's bones. As compared with the implantation of an Ilizarov apparatus (external frame), which has traditionally been used in similar situations for more than...
Excessive weight and obesity worsen the appearance of a person, restricting his/her physical and social activities, and in addition, cause severe illnesses. An increase in body fat is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes. Excessive weight increases the risk of heart diseases, atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis, and joint diseases by several...
Knee osteoarthritis is a common knee disease that manifests itself as chronic pain, dysfunction, and deformation of the joint and gradually leads to its complete destruction. It is impossible to prevent this process. Scientists, however, are constantly working to find new ways to slow down the degradation of articular cartilage, stop it...
Facelifting is a surgery aimed at smoothing wrinkles and folds in order to improve a person's appearance. It is usually performed at the age of 40-60 years. Surgery brings the best results exactly at this age, allowing effectively hiding the signs of aging. If necessary, it is possible to re-perform the surgery after 5-15 years.
ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) is a pathology that causes the death of motor neurons. Although ALS is often considered to be a muscular disease, it is actually not. In fact, this is a neurological disease. Only recently scientists began to understand how ALS develops. Since the causes of ALS had been unknown for a long time, ALS treatment was reduced to symptomatic therapy.